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Re: This is why you should always trust your mechanic.

To: Chris Thompson <>
Subject: Re: This is why you should always trust your mechanic.
From: Tab Julius <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 11:01:58 -0400
It's a real hoot - classic flaming.  I'm only up to page 3 so far.

At 10:47 AM 9/28/02, Chris Thompson wrote:
>Check this message board thread...
>That's from a Mustang SVT forum. Some idiot mechanic at a ford dealership
>in San Antonio took a customer's car out for a test drive, and beat the
>bejeezus out of it up to 140mph, then had the balls, and the lack of
>brains, to brag about it on this board.
>The upside? He mentions the car's License Plate number (which has since
>been edited out of the post), and the owner's husband just happens to read
>that forum. Oops.
>Rumor has it that the guy is now an EX ford mechanic.
>The thread gets interesting about page three or four, when people from
>other car makes join in to abuse this guy. The thread has since bloomed to
>13 pages, the bulk of them from guys driving Civics, and BMW's and the
>like. Musclecar people hate "Ricers", until, that is, they get a common
>enemy. :)

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