This is a very, very, very old warning, at least famous in the computer
industry where I've seen references to it going back to the 60s. It
originated, I think, either at M.I.T. or IBM. I haven't seen it applied to
Did you really find it in the manual, or did someone just circulate it as a
spoof saying it was in the manual? I doubt that it would be, particularly
from a German company.
- Tab
At 04:54 PM 6/10/02 -0400, wrote:
>This warning is found in the "Service" section of the owners manual.
>BMW did their best to translate their intentions.
>Alles Touristen Und Non-technishen Lookens Peepers!
>Das machine control is nicht fur gerfingenpoken und mittengrabben.
>Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfuse, und
>poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Der machine is diggen by
>experten only. Is nicht fur gerverken by das dummkopfen. Das
>rubberneken sightseenen keepen das cottonpicken hands in das
>pockets, so relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights."
>(Sorry! I couldn't resist.)
>Allen Hefner
>SCCA Philly Region Rally Steward
>'77 Midget
>'75 Midget "The Project"
>'92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport
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