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Re: Argh! Lost my MGA keys

Subject: Re: Argh! Lost my MGA keys
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 08:54:10 EDT
As others have said, any competent lock shop should be able to cut a key from 
the ignition number.

Dead simple compared to finding people with stock of the oddball key that is 
used in Jensen and Lamborghini door locks - looks like a little luggage key.

As the tumblers on the ignition switches wear out, they get pretty sloppy, 
and you may find that other keys from British cars will work. Last time I 
misplaced a key, I just brought out the big key rack I have, and it turned 
out that a TR-3 key worked in the MGA ignition with a bit of wiggling.

Of course if you don't have more than one British car, that doesn't do you 
any good, but if you don't have more than one British car, what the heck are 
you doing in this group with a pack of fanatical MG guys like us??


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