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RE: More currency exchange - was Re: Getting GBP in US

Subject: RE: More currency exchange - was Re: Getting GBP in US
From: =?windows-1255?Q?=EE=F8=E8=E9=EF_=F8=E5=E2=E5=E1=E9=EF?=
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 18:35:01 +0200
Assuming you want pounds for a trip to the UK (and not just to send or use
in the US) I have found that the fastest, easiest, cheapest way to change
money is simply to use an American ATM card in a cash machine in the foreign
country.  You get the full bank rate (~1/2 way between the official buy &
sell rates), pay no local fees (at least not in any countries I've done this
in, YMMV), the only service charge is the dollar or so that the American
bank takes for using another bank's ATM.
And cash machines are everywhere - meaning you just withdraw what you need
each time, no need to carry lots of cash or travelers checks when flying or
touring . . .
70 roadster
Tel Aviv

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