Credentials - my first professional programming job 1n 1983 - my first personal
computer was an Amiga in 1986 (it was too advanced for its time).
Jerry wrote:
> in spite of the fact that PC's having made such advances so as to
> catch and maybe even surpass Macs in that area too (depends on your bias)
Only problem being, Jerry, that you are wrong (which doesn't make for a good
argument). And that sentence quoted above only goes to show that bias and
personal predjudice can overcome any professional good judgement.
Yes, Windows PCs (as opposed to Mac PCs - they are all personal computers)
certainly need to make 'such advances so as to catch' the current MacOS - but
compared to MacOSX the latest OS from Windows (hmm, what happened to ME?) is
soooo 20th century.
Why is it that Windows users/supporters have all these myths about Apple/Mac?
Strange - it must be the stuff of legends.
So-called professionals embarrass themselves when they defend Windows operating
systems (and most windows software - love that IIS <guffaw> :-) Defend the
efficacy of using a popular system but don't defend the system itself - it is
technically indefensible.
See - I don't like Tr**mphs either - why? BECAUSE!!!
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