I've been reading with amusement about the problems we tall guys (I'm 6'5")
face in our MGBs.
In the rare instances I drive hood up, I tell the traffic light color by
reflection off my
(non-stock) chrome wiper arms.
I solved a related problem last year and it occurred to me other tall
people may benefit: Turn signals.
My eyes align with the steering wheel to block the indicators. Yep, I'm
one of those who left them on
sometimes for 30 minutes or more, and I often didn't even wear a hat! I
bought me a loud clicking
turn signal flasher at the local car parts store. I can even hear it at
speed and loud exhaust. Easy and
non-annoying, unlike a beeper I previously wired in.
And yes, people will wait in parking lots to see me get in and out.
Especially tricky with hood up.
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