Hi Lisa,
You don't have to go as far as getting a Mac, just stop using Microsoft
Outlook Express. Outlook and Outlook Express are notorious for being
riddled with bugs and security holes, and to make things worse, they're the
ones everyone gets preinstalled, so large quantities of people use
them. Get something like Eudora (www.eudora.com) - there is a free version
but for $40, you can get the full version and I heartily recommend it. You
can also make it not download anything over x k in size (like not over
50k), without your approval, so you don't have to sit there all day
downloading large files.
Klez is a nasty virus/worm. It has been making the rounds. I often get a
dozen emails a day from people with Klez sending me their infected attachments.
Go to Yahoo and search on klez for instructions on getting rid of it. It's
more than I can describe here to get rid of it. I do know that apparently
Norton anti-virus does NOT properly get rid of it, although they may now
have that fixed.
- tab
At 08:13 AM 4/28/02 -0700, rexcats wrote:
> On Friday morning my computer was infected with the KLEZ virus. WE use
>Outlook express for our mail utility, in my inbox were a few emails I knew
>were not right because of the sender name and subject lines ie. your
>password, honey, cool game you'll like this etc... some had attachments and
>others did not, but I have to click on the email itself to delete it which
>is what I did. and then to my horror I watched my computer go haywire, I
>could not stop the download it was automatically doing, nor could I get my
>computer to disconnect from the net, so I killed my computer from the plug
>in the wall. Upon trying to reboot my computer I found that it had deleted
>all my Mcafee virus software, deleted my address book, and turns out went
>through my disk and anyone who has ever emailed us used those emails and
>sent the virus to them. also any emails I had saved from the numerous lists
>myself and my family are on for all our different hobbies, as this is a
>family computer and each of us has our own email address from this computer,
>it took those email addresses and sent the virus out to them too. My
>husband spent about 14 hours repairing the damage this virus did to our
>computer it even effected the computers BIOS. In my inbox this morning
>there were new messages with the same subject lines but this time they all
>had attachments so I was able to delete without them downloading. Does
>anyone have new information on this virus and how to prevent it form doing
>this again? I am sorry if my computer sent out the emails to you, I am
>seriously thinking of getting a MAC so this doesn't happen again.
>Lisa Ann
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