The size radio the MGB takes is known in the trade as "single DIN". This is
a very popular standard size to this day. (But not with our domestic car
manufactures. The big three have no standard radio size, I guess they like
to keep the aftermarket industry guessing.)
The single DIN radio I installed in my '71 B was just a little deep. There
are a couple plastic ventilation hoses behind the console which are now
somewhat squished.
Stay away from the really cheap radios. They have a "single ended audio"
output that has only 1/4 the power of the "bridged audio" of the better
radios. Warning :The power specs most companies publish are wildly inflated
and misleading (especially if they refer to Peak power instead of RMS
power). In either case, make sure you get speakers in the 4 to 6 ohm range
for max output.
Really there are only three classes of radio power available from the car's
14 volt supply:
Single ended audio amplifier - about 5 watts rms per 4 ohm
Bridged audio amplifier - about 20 watts rms per 4 ohm
External amplifier - the sky's the limit
(uses DC to DC converter to boost supply voltage)
My radio is of the middle class above, and provides about all the power that
my door mounted speakers can handle. Here's a helpful hint: Turn off the
loudness (if the radio has a loudness button) and turn the bass down a bit.
This will allow you to turn the volume up a bit further without distortion.
This is a big help when the top is down and the radio has to fight the wind
noise. If you insist on good bass, go for the external amplifier and get
some whoop-ass speakers. (Although, I wouldn't know where to mount them.)
Bob Donahue (Still stuck in the '50s)
Email -
52 MGTD - NEMGTR #11470
71 MGB - NAMGBR #7-3336
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 4:02 PM
Subject: stereo
> I know that this has come up a couple of times in the past, but I want to
> a new stereo into my 73 MG B. Are there any suggestions for stereos that
> fit into the hole for the old one which is also powerful enough for me to
> hear while driving down the highway with the top down. Also, I need the
> display to be visible in bright sunlight. I also have no idea about which
> speakers to install. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
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