I also refer you to the bit of history at that describes
the Morland brewery (makers of Old Speckled Hen):
Morland of Abingdon
"Independent brewers of distinction since 1711"
Morland is the second oldest brewery in England, and has been creating fine
ales in Abingdon, Oxfordshire for 288 years. The water used by Morland has
been determined to have falled on the nearby downs over 200 years ago,
filtering slowly to the ancient aquifer.
Abingdon is also home to the MG sports car, and it was for MG's 50th
anniversary that Morland created "Old Speckled Hen". The original "Old
Speckled Hen" was a one-of-a-kind 1927 MG saloon car with a canvas body
painted gold and flecked with black.
What started out as merely a commemorative ale for their neighbor, has now
become Morland's flagship product and the #1 selling Premium Ale in the UK
for the past two years! Here's a little more on "Old Speckled Hen" and the
other fine ales from Morland.
Coupled with Wil's description, I think you can now get the whole picture
(literally - if you visit the link :)
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