Hmmm, let's try this again... (clicked on "Send" by mistake)
The coil is a likely culprit. Other thnigs to check out are the
condenser (if you're running points) or the electronic ignition
amplifier or pick-up (if you're running those). Any of the above will
tend to go into a state where they fail when hot, but recover when
cooled off. Eventually they fail so that they never recover.
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 06:51:18 -0500
From: xerxer <>
Subject: Dying a highway speeds
My daily driver, '75B with ZS carb and electronic ignition is
about 20 miles daily. Yesterday it just died twice each way at about
45-55 mph. Wouldn't restart right away, but after looking under the
hood for a few minutes, it would restart.
Timing is OK, fuel pump pressure looks OK at idle. My next
was to swamp out the coil. Any other thoughts?
Larry McCormick
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