Make sure the vent system to the gas tank is working properly. If it is
plugged, the fuel pump will create a vacuum in the tank to the point that
no fuel will be delivered. Essentially running out of gas even with a
full tank. If you remove the gas cap during the occurrence of this
problem you may hear air rushing into the tank. The steel line running
forward to the charcoal canister has a habit of rusting solid on these
Steve Bettencourt
On Tue, 09 Apr 2002 06:51:18 -0500 xerxer <> writes:
> My daily driver, '75B with ZS carb and electronic ignition is
> driven
> about 20 miles daily. Yesterday it just died twice each way at
> about
> 45-55 mph. Wouldn't restart right away, but after looking under
> the
> hood for a few minutes, it would restart.
> Timing is OK, fuel pump pressure looks OK at idle. My next
> thought
> was to swamp out the coil. Any other thoughts?
> Larry McCormick
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