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Re: $500 BGT?

Subject: Re: $500 BGT?
From: Zubrovka <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 11:05:39 -0600
>Where do you FIND cars like this? Only in the States eh?
>Aubrey 75B

As long as they don't have access to anyone with a PC and eBay! I 
think it also has a lot to do with location, the further away from 
the metropolitan areas, the better deals are found on most any 
European import, often because of no dealer locally or 
misunderstanding of the vehicle.  A lot of mechanics won't touch a 
"foreign" car or if they do, charge double because "it was a very 
complex job".

I bought a BMW 2002 off a local dealer for $300 because it wouldn't 
idle.  Drove it to my shop, my mechanic, who I refer to as a shade 
tree mechanic had grown up on the farm and was on loan from my dad ( 
he repaired our farm equipment during season).  He had never seen a 
BMW before, but it didn't stop him from fiddlin with it.  He had it 
idling in a couple of days.  I had a bright red paint job, seat 
covers and mag look wheelcovers put on it, spent 1500 including the 
car and sold it to a local kid for 2500! And he got good service out 
of the car too, drove it all during college.  That dealer I bought it 
off of was ready to scrap it.

You find the best deals just crusing through neighborhoods, to see 
whats sitting up and not running.  It never hurts to stop and ask.

I bought my 76 roasdster out from under a carport in 1985 for $500.

The kid that owned it wanted a new set of skis and said the car 
wouldn't run anyway. I towed it to my shop with the idea to use it 
for a parts car for a 77 B I had picked up previously for about $1000 
off another individual.

However, my shade tree mechanic had it running that very afternoon!
So I kept them both for awhile, hoping they might produce offspring :)

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