So last night I finished the latest Grass Roots Motorsports and saw an
ad for an aluminum radiator for, hmm, I'm blanking, I'll say BMW near
the back. It didn't have plastic tanks.
On another subject. I read the article on suspension setup. Did anybody
else read it? I didn't think it was very informative. Very vague. Ok, I
haven't done any real math in quite a long time, but I read the caster
section 2-3 times and just didn't get how what he describes arrives at
the measurement you want.
I'll be rebuilding the front end this spring after my car comes out of
storage. I think I'll just need the major suspension kit vs new swivel
axils. As well as V8 bushings, negative camber arms and send the shocks
to Madison for a rebuild. My front end is pretty loose but I'm expecting
this should take care of it. I have naggings in my mind that the swivel
is bad too, but since I can't get at the car, I can't look. I guess
there's no real point to this paragraph, but hey, it's LBC content
right? :-)
Back to radiators. The 77 Radiator stinks. It's hard to fill (no cap on
the radiator) and of course, has no stop-cock on the bottom (are they
all like that? My 72 was the same way). So how do you change the
anti-freeze without most of it on the floor?
Paul T. Root E/Mail:
600 Stinson Blvd, Fl 1S PAG: +1 (877) 693-7155
Minneapolis, MN 55413 WRK: +1 (612) 664-3385
NIC: PTR FAX: +1 (612) 664-4779
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