Yeah Dan, It seems most of them are better off in Chevy pickups around here.
I think we all drove like maniacs when we were young. It was that
all consuming "life on fire" deathless spirit.
It's strange, I feel a lot more cautious these days and often feel
damn lucky to be sitting here. Too bad we can't be more cautious in
our youth and then do the wild-ass part in middle age. I get quite a
kick driving a MG down a curvy country lane, top down, wind blowing
in my hair and find it curious that the feeling really has no
relation to speed at all.
In high school I drove a 67 RS/SS Camaro convertible and the feeling
it gave with the top down just isn't the same, not really as
enjoyable as the MG, because when you drive a Camaro slowly down a
country lane, you are lumbering along while feeling the need to stick
a foot in that V8!
>(BTW, John - I don't think I'd let any of your friends drive your car,
>they don't have very good track records with LBC's, do they?! 8P )
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