Removal of the heater box is necessary if you have a broken door.
You are sure that the cable is working and clamped to the door? Removal
of the heater is harder than it would seem from the workshop manual's
instructions, so you sure don't want to do it unnecessarily.
If the GT is a daily driver and you need it every day, I would continue
with the screwdriver method until warm weather. At that time you can
re-route the heater hose, bypassing the heater core, in case the job
becomes longer than anticipated.
On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:45:41 -0500 Steve Krane <>
> Hello List:
> The door to which the end of the defroster cable connects has broken
> on
> my GT. It can be viewed through the heat vent in the passenger
> footwell.
> The only way for me to change the direction of the air flow (heat
> or
> defrost) is to stick a long screwdriver into the mechanism and move
> the
> door manually.
> Is there a way to get to this area to fix it or am I doomed to using
> the
> "manual" method.
> Thanks in advance.
> Steve Krane
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