While, I don't whole heartedly agree with Charlie; your example is flawed.
If you take my relative, you didn't leave it behind for me to use as well with
no diminished value.
There really is no good comparison here.
The person puts the image on the internet allowing unlimited copies. (while it
is displayed on your monitor it is a copy. Then it will be stored in your
browser's cache and in all of the caches inbetween, there are copies
A person is actually copying an authorized copy that is potentially multiple
steps away from the original.
That is very different from removing something from your yard or a relative.
You can argue rights, probably with some degree of sucess; but by posting it on
the interenet, you have ALREADY allowed many copies to be made and stored
everywhere by people who might not even want to have a copy.
But for people who want to both ways, there are free images without strings
On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Tab Julius wrote:
> Oh, really? Can I just go to your house and take whatever I find, either
> inside or in your yard? Or perhaps the house of one of your
> relatives? After all, if you don't want me to have whatever your
> possessions are, you should protect them from being taken. Otherwise I
> guess it's reasonable to assume they're fair game, yes?
> At 12:29 PM 12/18/01 -0500, O'CONNORS, CHARLIE wrote:
> >My suggestion would be to cruise the many web sites on the internet that are
> >MG related and if you find an icon you like, copy it. If someone doesn't
> >want you to have a copy of their icon, image file, etc. they should protect
> >it from being copied.
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