Although we don't know each other, I feel that we all have something in
common in loving LBC's and this tragedy brings all Americans as well as
friends throughout the world, together in some way.
God has spared your life and we are all thankful.
I pray for all those who didn't make it, for all the brave firefighters,
police and volunteers who lost their lives or were injured trying to save
others, that their lives were not lost in vain, but in doing what they know
best and what they love to do.
I pray for the families of victims of this terrible tragedy.
I pray that our government and all agencies involved will have the courage
and strength to bring those responsible for this tragedy to justice swiftly
and decisively.
God Bless America
Larry in CT
/// mgs@autox.team.net mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)