Someone knocked on my door?
1. 905-000 and 905-005 are commercially manufactured Mazda Miata trailer
hitches that Moss still carries in stock. The hitches were sourced when
Moss was carrying a line of small tag along camping trailers. At that time
Moss did make up a trailer hitch for a 67 MGB belonging to one of the
employees, but without an tie strut going forward to the diff area the
allowed tongue weight was insufficient. I have the hitch (actually a 1"
receiver)and plan on modifying it for use on my MGB V8.
Commercially U.S. manufactured hitches for the CB MGB that were available
during the 60s and 70s had a bar that went under the fuel tank forward to
the vertical section of body just behind the diff. This prevented rotation
of the main hitch bar which mounted behind the bumper. This forward bar was
usually a seperate piece bolted to the hitch bar for ease of installation.
The RB MGB bumper mount plates are better tied to the chassis, so the
forward bar is not as necessary.
2. The Moss website search engine looks at a database that includes some
items that are no longer carried. A search for "trailer" comes back with a
list of the camping trailers that Moss used to carry in both the Miata and
British Accessory catalogs. High cost and low demand resulted in the
product line being discontinued.
Pity, they were cool little trailers.
I guess we need more camping events.
All the best
Kelvin Dodd.
> wrote:
> > I typed trailer hitch into the Moss website search engine,
> and it returns
> > Part # 905-000 and 905-005. $169.95.
> >
> > Perhaps Kelvin (or one of our list distributors) can comment?
> While they are at it, perhaps they can shed light on the
> results obtained by
> typing "trailer" into the Moss search engine.
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)