I have both problems actually: I either get too much heat because the valve
won't fully close or too little because it wont fully open. I cant seem to
get the control range of the knob to match the control range of the valve.
Others have mentioned that they are having the same sort of problem. At
least I'm not alone!
Thanks for the suggestions, I will try these.
Thanks and regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Hoy <>
To: <>;
<>; <>
Date: Thursday, September 06, 2001 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Functioning heater controls?
>It's not clear to me whether you have too much heat or not enough. There
>are several common heater problems. Plus some odds 'n ends just thrown in.
>1) a design flaw in the control system results in not enough movement in
>the control mechanism to fully open or close the valve. It's a good idea
>to re-adjust for winter vs summer. Make sure it fully closes in the
>summer, and fully opens in the winter.
>2) if you have too much heat in the summer, it is not likely the heater is
>at fault. Plug all firewall holes, no matter how small they
>seem. Insulating the firewall, floors and tunnels is a good idea too.
>3) if the valve leaks be prepared to walk, it may result in a wet
>distributor. If it doesn't stop your car you may loose enough coolant to
>blow a head gasket ...
>4) re-seal the heater door flaps.
>5) fan motors can be lubricated, this may revive a dead motor.
>6) defroster not working? Reconnect the tubes under the dash.
>Larry Hoy
>At 08:55 AM 9/6/2001, wrote:
>>In a message dated 9/5/01 8:25:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>> > The cable and heater valve are both new. The cable slides smoothly
>> > the sheath. The valve action is smooth, and stays closed once snapped
>> shut.
>> > I've got the cable sheath firmly clamped at both ends and the slack
>> removed.
>> >
>> > I've tried adjusting with the valve and dial fully open and fully
>> > but I
>> > dont get full range of travel with either.
>>- - - - - - - - - - - - -
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