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Re: Black Plate Special (your views)

To: Richard Feibusch <>
Subject: Re: Black Plate Special (your views)
From: Martin <>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 21:06:59 -0500
One more question.
Can some current California
resident register my black
plates on their pre-69 vehicle,
or does the black plates have to have
been continuously and uninterruptedly
registered to the car of original issue
since 1969? If the latter is true,
that makes the market value
of my black plates about the same price as
a good velvet painting of Elvis.


Richard Feibusch wrote:

> Hi Richard.
> I've seen the term CA Black Plate many, many times.  But I've never found 
> who could tell me exactly what the term means.  Would you offer me a brief
> explanation?
> Thanks.
>  Al Adams <>
> *********************************
> Al,
> These are the black plates with gold lettering that were issued for cars
> between 1963, when ALL black lettered, yellow plates that had been issued
> since 1956 were turned in and ALL cars had new black plates. The black
> plated lasted until late 1969 on cars and 1972 for trucks. At that point,
> blue plates with the three numbers first and letters second were issued in
> addition to the black plates in service.  Years later they changed to white
> reflective. If your plates got lose or stolen, the new plates were blue and
> now white - If you still have black plates that were original on your car
> it is of some value and a point of originality.
> Cheers,
> Rick Feibusch
> Venice, CA
> **********************************************************
> In Texas any car over 25 years old is eligible for antique/clasic plates.  If
> you wish to have a plate on your car that is in the year of manufacture of
> your car a special plate registration is available.  You simply send a copy
> of the plate you are going to use and if it is in order a little metal plate
> is sent to you to attach to your plate.  The cost for getting this type of
> licensee plate is $50. for five years total and you no longer have to get an
> annual inspection.  The law reads that you must have at least one regularly
> licensed car per driver in the household, that the car should be used mainly
> for auto related events and 2500 mile or less per year.  My '65 Morgan
> couldn't use her black plate from California when I moved to home to Texas
> but I was able to get a Texas plate at an auto-jumble and that plate is on
> her (it happens to be a black '66 Texas plate).
> Chuck Harris
> ************************************************
> I remember the email you sent with an opinion that a real black plate car 
> be devalued by this, I actually agree so I'm not disappointed -
> Morganifically,   Peter Davison
> ***********************************************
> I'm inclined to think that the public would be safer with more criminals
> behind the wheels of classic/vintage cars. High speed chases would
> be shorter with overheating, Lucas-related engine fires, spun wire
> wheels, and frequent stops to top off the oil factored in. And with many
> older cars featuring horsepower in the double digits, overtaking should
> be no problem for a police cruiser -- or a minivan for that matter. <g>
> --
> Steven Newell
> Denver, CO
> '62 TR4 escape vehicle
> **********************************************
> This reflects badly on the governor, tarnishing what little lustre he had
> remaining.
> Cars (vehicles) of the type affected are so distinctive that there is
> immediate awareness of their presnece on the road and they are a damn-site
> easier to differentiate from the other, more generic sheep out there.
> Does the governor perchance own stock in a company that manufactures
> reflective paint?  Isn't this the issue that received 100% of the Senate's
> votes.
> Harry Newton
> ************************************************
> Sounds like the 3M policy of sending a photographer to the governors'
> conferences and making up photo books for the governors and their staffs is
> paying off!  No coincidence that the whole thing is paid for by the
> Reflective Products Division.
> Phil "I used to print the photographs" Ethier
> Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
> 1970 Lotus Europa, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 Triumph TR4 CT2846L
> "Sometimes a man's gotta do what a woman would never consider."
> - Red Green
> *************************************************
> I didn't vote for him!
> Brad Eells
> 65 TR4A - Awaiting black and yellow plates and a sensible Governor!
> Bumper Sticker recently seen:  Blackout 2001 - Grey Out 2002!
> *************************************************
> Subject: Re: CA Black Plate Law Vetoed!
> Just paint the thing black!!
> I did that to my 1967 Sprite that had blue plates.
>  Curtis Hunter
> <>
> ************************************************
> Having read the entirety of the below veto message, I am of the opinion that
> the Honorable Gray Davis is a total moron and complete idiot, and will
> therefore have a long and undistinguished political career.
> I pity the voters of California, and hope they will do better in the next
> election to eliminate Gray areas in their political decision making process.
> Scott "I didn't vote for him!" Roberts
> ************************************************
> WOW a democrat putting in writing the law enforcement over rides personal
> choice. He must be desperate for reelection.
> Paul Van Wig
> Long Beach, CA
> **************************************************
> Rick,
> So has there has been a crime wave of felons using cars with black plates
> to commit armed robberies and drive-by-shootings at night?
> And this led Gov Davis to veto the bill "to save our children".
> I understand. Makes perfect sense. I sleep better knowing
> that there are potentially fewer marauding gunmen loose at
> night with "invisible" black plates on their cars. To think of it
> I should go and melt down my black plates right now
> to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
> Thanks for the update.
> Martin
> **************************************************
> Hi,
> In going through some old items I came across a Black Plate aquired when
> I bought an MGA in the mid 60's that came from California. If anyone is
> interested in it please contact me off line. Thanks.
> Happy Healeying,
> Doug
> PS. I have a friend with a complete top frame assembly (with top) for a
> BJ8 that is available. If interested contact me off the list. Thanks.
> **************************************************
> California listeners,
> I have a set of surplus black and yellow California tags.
> They came on a car I exported from California in 1990.
> Can they be re-registered to a pre-63 car?  To
> me they are just surplus NOS parts. I have
> someone in California who wants to use them.
> However, he doesn't know if it is possible to register them.
> Also what does the 63 in the upper right corner signify?
> And lastly, what is the market value for these tags?
> You can see them at
> Thanks.
> Martin
> <>
> **************************************************************
> Rick,
> Thanks for forwarding this. I've passed it along to the Aston Martin
> Owners Club dl. I'm beginning to know, as an owner of 2 black-plate cars,
> how the gentle folks at the NRA feel about these kinds of incursions. The
> righteous Gov's statements look like the height of demagoguery. The black
> plate was an aspect of the car's provenance.
> What a crock.
> Chester W Floyd <>
> ************************************************************

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