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RE: Passed MOT! (APK for the Dutch) - Now OT on Pop Density!!

Subject: RE: Passed MOT! (APK for the Dutch) - Now OT on Pop Density!!
From: Bill Saidel <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 08:46:54 -0400 (EDT)
Ah Hans, I bet you never stopped into the Garden of Sculpture (Hamilton, 
NJ)....22 acres of outdoor sculpture settled between greenery from
around the world.  Great and fun time.  And doing the trip while munching
on fresh NJ tomatoes is even better!

Or drive through the PineLands...hundreds of thousands of acres of flat,
shrubs not (yet) completely devastated by development. 

Still, I agree...too many cars on the roads here in once-upon-a-time
garden state and an even more corrupt government. (and I used to live in
Massachusetts, the state in which a sitting in jail Mayor won


On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> How can you find any garden in your state (NJ = Gardenstate?)
> Cheers,
> Hans
> living neer the most beautiful flowergarden in the world: Keukenhof
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan DiBiase []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 3:48 PM
> To:;;
> Subject: RE: Passed MOT! (APK for the Dutch) - Now OT on Pop Density!!
> Interesting, Hans, but you've obviously never had the pleasure of driving
> in New Jersey!  I did a quick comparison this morning, comparing New
> Jersey (the most densly populated State) and The Netherlands. New Jersey
> is home to 8,400,000 people and has a density of about 1,134 people per
> square mile. I found a site that listed The Netherlands as about 1,000
> people per square mile. So you can imagine what OUR highways are like here
> in the Garden State!!!
> Dan - again, too much time on his hands....
> PS - US population density overall is about 80 people per square mile.
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Bill Saidel           (856) 225-6336
Dept. of Biology      (856) 225-6312 FAX
Science Building      E-Mail:
Rutgers University      
315 Penn Street
Camden, NJ 08102-1411
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