Back from the show yesterday and while not exactly like last year's
deluge, it did manage to rain for the entire show.
Good News? My MGB-GT Special took 1st in GT's, a 10 car class! there
were some beatiful cars there and I was very pleasantly surprised. The
announcer left a lot to be desired as he managed to have something
really stupid to day about all the award winners and had limited
knowledge about the cars he was presenting. A shame.
another member of my NY/CONN chapter, Ed Flax, also took a first for his
beautiful MG-TC.
Found on the way home my overdrive needs an adjustment as it kicked in
and out. this was the first time doing 80mph and was quite a thrill on
Rt. 287. (Not that I speed all the time speeding, of course).
Dave Houser
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)