Does anyone know of a small, battery-operated clock that I can use to
replace the internal mechanism of the clock in my 1980 MGB? I've been
told that the clock draws a lot of power and could be the cause of my
battery running down all the time. The dial that is used to change the
time doesn't work, so it would be a real pain to unplug it when the car
isn't in use. I bought a replacement clock (used) and the dial doesn't
work on that one either. I don't want to just buy a new replacement
clock if the current draw will be the same as the original. My plan is
to swap the guts of the clock with a small clock movement that runs off
its own battery.
Has anyone tried this before? I'm not too concerned with originality,
but I'd like something visible (especially when it is dark and the dash
lights are on). TIA.
--Steve Shoyer (1980 MGB)
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