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Re: Running on one carburetor, How bad is that?

To: "Bob D." <>, <>
Subject: Re: Running on one carburetor, How bad is that?
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 02:32:44 -0500
At 09:19 PM 8/1/2001 -0500, Bob Donahue wrote:
>.... I discovered that the throttle shaft linkage between the carbs had
come loose. So the front carb was effectively out of action. I'm amazed
that the car ran as well as it did, though a bit on the hot side (got up to
about 210F). .... I figure the front cylinders were getting some gas since
the inlet manifold has the pipe connecting the two carbs.

BTDT.  With the front carb out of action (except for the idle setting), the
rear two cylinders have to work harder at high throttle opening to make up
for the front two loafing on feed from the crossover pipe only.  That could
well account for the slight temperature rise, but should be no worse than
running a heavier throttle for running up a long hill, or towing a small
trailer, or just driving in to a strong head wind.  Your car should be fine
and happy running on both carbs again.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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