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T-Series parts

Subject: T-Series parts
From: Geoff Love <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 17:34:04 -0700
Having been in the T-Series restoration business for over 15 years, and
a driving enthusiast of TCs and TDs all my life, I find the time has
come to divest myself of a large amount of mainly TD and TF pieces (some
large, some small, some used, some new) which have accumulated at an
alarming rate.

As I do not want to get into the packaging and postage business, I am
hoping that my price will attract a potential buyer of the whole lot in
one go.  Accordingly, I am asking a price which I feel leaves "meat on
the bone" for others either to break a partly restored TD with matching
or to complete the project. 

Having said that, I might also be interested in considering a swop for a
good MGB which would require only minimum work should any B owner be
moving "up"(!) to a T type.

The parts are located in S.Central Pennsylvania if anyone wishes to view

For a full list please e-mail me directly and I'll be happy to forward
to you the complete list of stuff.

Geoff Love

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///  (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)

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