Reference Gerard Brinkman's comments on the 5 speed installation in an MGA.
He disagrees with the view that an engine turning less rpm's will generate less
heat and maintains that changing the ratios in the box will not affect this
aspect. Intuitively I think that the mechanical advantage inherent in a five
speed with the improved ratios over those of a 4 speed box requires less
effort (less energy) and is an efficiently improved system when required to
propel the car at any given speed. I had been thinking that the principle of
levers might apply in thinking about gearboxes inasmuch that a short lever used
to lift a given weight requires more effort than when using a longer lever
because of the mechanical advantage. Doesn't this apply in the gearbox
comparison discussion? Doesn't less effort expended to move the car a given
distance at a given speed require less energy through mechanical advantage?
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