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Re: Interesting "Sebring MGC"...LONG

To: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>,
Subject: Re: Interesting "Sebring MGC"...LONG
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 14:38:43 -0400
Kelvin wrote:

> My main problem with the e-bay listing is the way in which the
> posting is worded.  There is no reference as to whether the car is built
> from an alloy panel shell.  This to my mind is inexcusable as the
> is easily made from the reference to "Lightweight bodywork in fiberglass
> aluminum".

Kelvin, he does imply his shell is entirely aluminium by the fact that he
claims to have one of the four uncompleted shells.  I have just talked with
John Chatham about, and he did receive all four of the completed shells in
1969... all four still remain in the UK now as fully built cars.  If you
recall in my original posting I noted that John Chatham had an unregistered
shell yet, but was a complete car, well that has now been sold to the owner
of RMO 699F and MBL 546E.  John further notes all six cars are all in the

What infuriated me so much now, is that Derek Durst wrote in a reply to me
", John Chatham now freely admits that he received only three (3) completed
shells from comps and that he built the fourth one from original panels on a
roadster floorpan (he had previously been lying but we'll just say he had a
memory laps)"  I feel this is an attempt to undermine John Chatham's
credibility since John has suffered a stroke in recent times and his speech
is slurred and his grammar not so perfect.  John Chatham said not 20 minutes
ago to me on the telephone that he was the recipient of all four completed
original alloy shells.

More to come... as I gather further evidence to substantiate the eBay car as
nothing more than replica.


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