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77 B Overheating or Gauge Malfunction

Subject: 77 B Overheating or Gauge Malfunction
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 15:35:56 EDT
I have a '77 B with a new engine. I replaced the radiator w/a unit that has 
been pressure and flow tested. The sensor for the fan was covered and solder 
closed. I put in a 165 degree thermostat. The sensor in the thermostat 
housing has been replaced. There is a Hayden electric fan that runs 
constantly as long as the ignition is on. I installed an oil cooler also. The 
radiator cap is new, water wetter and a 50/50 coolant mix is on board. Air 
temperature outside today is about 72 degrees. Timing appears to be dead on. 
I had a similar problem with the old engine.

The problem that I am having is that my temerature guage slowly climbs to 
near the red portion. It has not reached the red, but is too close for 
comfort. I am concerned because I don't want to hurt the new engine. Does 
anyone have any clues? 



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