Last e-mail didn't make it through. Trying again.
Since we bought the 77B a couple of years ago, I've thought it was
strange that the fuel line passed through the trunk on the way to the
carbs. Now that I have had a chance to look more closely, it appears
that that arrangement is not correct.
Here's what's there: the fuel supply line runs from the tank through
a small hole (approx 3/4") in the front lower right portion of the
trunk, then through a fuel filter to the inlet of a round fuel pump
mounted in a rubber grommet in an approx 2 1/2" hole through the front
lower right portion of the trunk just to the left of the 3/4" hole
(pump is held in place with a large hose clamp around the grommet),
with the outlet underneath the car. The outlet feeds to another fuel
filter and then into the solid pipe to the front (and yet another
There have been many discussions on the list about which fuel pump to
use and I don't want to start that one again, but do any of the pumps
have a similar configuration to the original such that both the inlet
and outlet are underneath the car?
>From the pictures in Porter's book, the fuel pump mounts next to the
battery box and no fuel lines run to the trunk, but I'm not sure that
is the same fuel pump as what should be on the 77. Are the holes in
the trunk supposed to be there or is this a buggered up mount job by
the DPO?
Any suggestions/ideas/comments welcome. TIA
Walt Goddard
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)