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RE: Hagerty won't play with me anymore....

To: "Andrew B. Lundgren" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Hagerty won't play with me anymore....
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 00:18:42 -0600
>Is anyone else using an agreed value insurance that lets you use your car for 
>more than a
trailer ornament?

To embellish on this question, has anyone had an accident with there present 
"collector car"
insurer, when they weren't using the car to go "to or from a car event".  Did 
the insurance
company pay?

Sorry to jump in here Andrew, but I think I know where you're going with this.  
You want
collector insurance [rates], and want to drive the car on a casual basis to 
work, the store,
etc.  I too would like to find the answer to this.

Larry Hoy
Plan on attending the 49th Annual Glenwood Rallye

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