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Re: Turbine Paint Spray Systems

Subject: Re: Turbine Paint Spray Systems
From: David Littlefield <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 09:00:10 -0500
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 16:15:56 -0800 (Baker, G.)
> To All,
>   Has anyone had any experience or know of vendors for Turbine Paint
> Spray Systems.  I'm thinking of purchasing one if I can't find 
> anything
> bad to say about it.
> Everything I've read (one article) is very positive with the results
> being less overspray than even a standard HVLP system, no 
> possibilities
> of oil or water getting in the paint, heated air and subsequent 
> faster
> drying paint(sometimes a problem and calling for reducer) and no
> regulators needed.  It's not very expensive when you consider the 
> cost
> includes no gun and 40' of hose to buy.
>   If anyone has any resources other than TP Tools and Equipment I'd 
> sure
> appreciate the info.

This is more or less just hearsay, so take it for what it is worth.

I used to subscribe to a magazine called Classic Auto Restorer, which has
I think has since gone out of business.  There were a series of letters
published in that mag complaining about the difficulty of using these
turbine systems.  At least one letter was written by a professional
restorer, so I guess he knew what he was talking about.  The complaint
was that the turbines heated the air so much that it was impossible to
get a smooth coat of paint onto the metal.  This fellow claimed he tried
all sorts of reducers, etc., but could never get the paint to flow onto
the metal properly since it would go on too dry.  There were letters from
others that said pretty much the same thing.  The result is a lot of
"orange peel."

Could be that they are great for painting some things, but not for a
"show car" type finish.  I dunno.


David Littlefield
'62 MGA MkII
'51 MGTD
'74 MG Midget vintage racer
'88 Jaguar XJ-S

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