> If the engine has stalled you shouldn't hear the (SU) pump anyway.
> With the engine off and the ignition on and the system up to
> pressure, if the pump clicks more than once every 30 secs either the
> non-return valves in the pump are faulty or the carb is overflowing
> because the float valve is faulty or you have a leak elsewhere.
I have often heard this but have come to regard it as an unachievable
ideal or a myth.
I have replaced almost everything with NEW stuff (see, I would be a
friend of Kai's) and my NEW SU pump still clicks maybe once every ten
seconds or so with the engine off. I can't be bothered hunting it down
any further because it has never bothered me or seemed cause me any
problems (no flooding) - especially now as I have to REALLY listen to
hear it at all. In fact I am so used to it that I only noticed it the
other day when a non-MG person sitting in my car pointed it out to me.
And yes, I can also confirm that 'rapid ticking' means you are about to
or already have run out of fuel (I never trust that damn fuel guage any
more - it may be fine and correct generally but I now go by the
Adelaide, South Australia
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