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Re: Malaysian Triumph

Subject: Re: Malaysian Triumph
From: Bob Holton <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:05:02 -0500
>Personally, I think F1 threads are less offensive list content then 50% of
>the other shit people post here.  At least, F1 is a subject that involves
>four wheeled internal combustion engined vehicles.  However, it is off topic
>and I will agree with you on that.
>And while we're comparing seniority and statistics, I've been here since
>1995 and contributed much more then than I do now.  Why?  The list has gone
>to crap.  My solution?  I bought a Triumph...
I'm confused.

I thought you bought the Tr***ph because you could not get the MGB together.

Bob Holton

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