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Re: Why a B specific list?

To: JustBrits <>
Subject: Re: Why a B specific list?
From: George <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 22:01:41 -0800 (PST)
> <<. Something I
> really miss on the majorbozo based lists. :)
> >>
> Speaking of "bozo", George!!  YOU are hereby appointed THE MAJOR BOZO of
> all
> The gent that runs the autoz lists only does 80 or so and has VERY FEW
> restrictions and does so for NO CHARGE.
> Please do all of Listers a favor:
> 1)  Crawl BACK in your tiny hole.
> 2)  Unsubscribe from mgs.......
>      ('course that is ASSUMING you read directions that came with you
> "subscription").
> Next??  Sell the good car and go buy some asian POC.
> Ed

Look Ed, I don't know what is wrong with you. I also don't know if you are
the one that speaks for 'all of listers' and if you are the one to tell me
what car to drive. I just know that I sure had a nice :) behind my
majorbozo *joke* and you obviously are too tense to see that :) in there.
I slowly but surely finding out why I need to be someplace else, after the
warm welcome y'all give me in this place. I am a honest and straight
forward guy looking for advice and then I run into people like you. I just
hope you can come back to normal and quit shouting at me. Thanks, 

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