Seeing as so many of you asked off-list (yeah, go on... dispute it ;-)
This is my very brief first report on my new engine (of course if I said
'new motor' the English listers would think I had a new car).
I must say that it is going to be harder than I first imagined to get a
few hundred 'run in' miles on this engine before my first race. So far,
since finishing work at amonst 7:00pm tonight, I have managed only 60
miles. I have tomorrow (Thursday) night to drive it again before
tuning, tightening and retensioning everything on Friday - then Saturday
to finish the remainder of the race prep.
Of course, as (bad) luck would have it, I am 'on call' on Saturday so I
can't be too far away from my computer for too long. This is getting
silly. I am going to be rather apprehensive about pushing the car
flat-out come raceday Sunday.
My first thoughts on the engine are...
It feels fantastic, zippy (a non-V8 cannot be 'grunty'), torque-y and
tough, but will take a little getting used to. Let's hope I can get
used to it before I have to make quick decisions on the track!
More detail to follow :-) Yes, I can't stop grinning (or using
exclamation marks)!!
Adelaide, South Australia