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'Nuff said! (was: Cruise)

To: "'MG List'" <>
Subject: 'Nuff said! (was: Cruise)
From: "Parker, Richard" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 11:51:26 -0800
   Sorry, George (et al), if I jumped a bit quickly yesterday.  The MG
digest is something I turn to for education and a good bit of fun, and
yesterday's arrived not too long after I'd been around the edges of a rather
heated discussion between a couple of truly demented political associates.
So, when I found the item in question, I thought, "Cripes, not here too!"  
   I figured the poster had to make one of two assumptions:  either that
everybody on the list agreed with view expressed, or that people with
opposite views wouldn't rankle at being the object of sarcasm.  Neither of
these is likely to be true.  Politics are like religion in that regard.  As
it turned out, though, the whole thing was a mistake.
   Anyhow, I appreciated the follow up.  'Nuff said about that!

   More importantly:  I have pulled the engine and transmission out of my
'62 MGA Mk II in order to replace the latter with a new 5-speed.  The old
tranny was just about used up (and is available if anybody would like it).
With the engine out, I sent it to a local shop for "freshening".  The fellow
there called me yesterday (not a good day!) with the news that the head was
gone.  Seven (count 'em!) serious cracks!  So, among the ton of other
decisions I have to make, I need to decide on whether to spend a bushel of
money on an aluminum head or somewhat less on a refurbished iron head.  I'm
going to have other questions later, but this sounds like the most
important.  Any first blush suggestions?

Thanks.  --RP
'62 MGA Mk II Roadster
'90 XJS Convertible

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