Yup, it showed up in my mailbox last night. Recognized it for what it was
and just deleted. Odd thing is now my system won't reboot with my
anti-virus installed. Gets part way through the load and then just freezes.
I have to start in 'safe mode' to uninstall, then all is okay. No, I didn't
open the .exe file of snow white. Also checked the header info for any clue
as to where it came from with same result as Barney.
> At 02:02 PM 1/22/2001 -0800, Dave Wood wrote:
> >My Norton's anti-virus just caught the W95.Hybris.gen.dr virus.
> It comes in
> >your e-mail as a joke: From: hahahaha and subject: Snow White and the
> >Seven Dwarfs. Body starts a story then you are supposed to open an
> >attachment which will infect your system.
> >
> >Just delete the e-mail without opening the attachment.
> Yup, I received this same message twice in the last week. I tried sending
> it back from whence it came, including the attachment, and go tht ebounce
> message
> "550 <hahaha@sexyfun.net>... User unknown"
> It figures,
> Barney Gaylord
> 1958 MGA with an attitude
> http://www.ntsource.com/~barneymg