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To: <>
Subject: vibrations
From: "Mark Hardin" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:44:47 -0500
Well the saga continues:) I removed the shifter boot yesterday, preparing to
remove the eng and trans and found all 4 bolts completely backed off on the
yoke for the drive shaft. However after tightening them the problem still
plagues me,I have also noted the loss of brake lights and backup lights. AH
the prince of darkness, where would we be with out him :). It appears that
the top rear of the trans housing might be the cause. The question is how
can the trans be moved about 1/2 inch forward to stop the banging. It
appears that the engine is bolted to the trans,drive shaft is bolted to the
trans ,and the rear is bolted to the drive shaft. Sounds like that
children's song, them bones. Any way, as all this seems to be hard bolted
together, how can I get any clearance to stop the rapping noises. The raping
sounds a lot like a header banging on the frame, but it appears to be the
back end of the trans case hitting the tunnel.

Mark H.
79 Midget

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