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Re: Let it snow!!

Subject: Re: Let it snow!!
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 12:43:45 EST
In a message dated 12/30/00 8:38:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> I wonder if the chin spoiler on the TR6 can double as a snow plow...

That reminds me of the time I was driving my TR3 to an exam at univeristy, in 
the snow, and attempted to pass someone. I caught a wheel and it pulled the 
car off course and into the deep snow on a median. By the time we stopped, we 
were in snow up to the top of the fenders, and the doors wouldn't open. We 
had to remove the side curtains and crawl out. Girlfriend (later wife) very 

Made the exam, though (by bus). Same TR that taught me that Prestologs make 
fine ballast in the winter, but turn into a trunk full of wet sawdust by 

Bill Spohn
(was there really more snow when we were young, or were we just shorter....)

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