So I'm having a couple of drinks with my brother-in-laws new friend. He
mentions he has two MGBs and just wishes someone would take the old one.
Thinking back to my dad's old B and the Austin a friend is restoring I start
thinking it would be kind of cool to own an old MGB...
What I want to know is if my martini induced deal was decent. It's a '65
pull handle. Wire wheels. Engine is from an '80 and had a rebuilt
head/valves about 3,000 miles ago. About 3 years ago the engine started
knocking, the guy took it to a buddy/mechanic that told the bearings might
be going out. Instead of fixing it my guy just buys a '74 that was at the
shop, drives the '65 home and tosses a tarp over it.
I pulled the tarp for the first time in a couple years last week. The car is
wet, the top is shot, and there is a bit of rust here and there, allthough
the floor boards and door appear solid and the body is straight.
So tell me, how much would you pay for this car with this description, sight