I think most of the other replies have answered your question ... but just in
If the center knock off has two or three "wings" on it you can hit it with a
hammer. A lead hammer is recommended. If the knock
offs are eight sided then you need a special wrench. It looks like a big box
end wrench. They come in various configurations.
Some need to be put on the knock off and then hit with a hammer, others have a
long handle and you can just put them on like a
wrench and pull. Be sure to note the direction of travel to get them off, they
will be marked with an arrow.
I have seen them on so hard they needed to be cut off. Only do this as a last
resort, make sure you understand how they come off
first, and that you have explored all other posiblilites.
Larry Hoy
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Nellemann [mailto:mark@nellemann.nu]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 12:26 PM
>To: Larry Hoy
>Cc: mgs@autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: Newbie question: how to unfasten wire wheels
>Hi Larry,
>There's one big bolt in the middle of the wheel.
>Larry Hoy wrote:
>>> I'm the owner of an '69 MGC GT. I want to take off the wheels for the
>>> winter so I can clean them, but the bolts is so fastened that I can't
>>> unfasten any of them.
>> Are these "bolts" the lug nuts, or the center knock off/on? (are there 4
>bolts on the car, or 4 bolts per wheel?)
>> Larry Hoy