This has been a thread recently started by Enrique.
I had the same. So I finally had a very good ring spanner on the temp.
sender and actually stood on the spanner! Slowly it started to move - the
new one still is working!
So you really might need brute force - 160 lbs on the spanner in my case!
'71 BGT tested the fuel gauge yesterday - works fine all gauges are o.k.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dr David McNaughton []
Sent: maandag 4 december 2000 16:12
To: MG
Subject: Head Gasket blown - then temp sensor REFUSES to budge
Hi Folks,
My daily driver failed me for the first time today! Got her towed home
and the head off this morning.
It has blown between cylinders 3 and 4 - I have ordered a
replacement gasket - HOWEVER - broke the blooming capillary running
to the temp sensor in the head AND the nut refuses to budge..... any
suggestions? I have been driven to brute force - and that has not
worked either - may have to give in and take it to a machine shop - in
the meantime I will just have to get by with no temp gauge.
73 B GT
Dr David M McNaughton
Haddington East Lothian
Radio GM8 KOF