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Re: Speed Kills (No LBC content)

To: mgs <>
Subject: Re: Speed Kills (No LBC content)
From: Bullwinkle <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 12:04:14 -0800

I sent the ticket comment on to a few friends and one of them sent this
experiance back.



The most patrolmen ever attending one of my somewhat frequent speeding
tickets was seven, each arriving in their own vehicle. Being stopped in a
Denver suburb on a secondary for speeding, I realized my cargo could cause
some consternation, so when the officer approached my car, I decided to be
very honest first in case he asked to search my vehicle. Howdy officer(he
was a sergeant), Before we get started, I want to tell you I have two fully
automatic MP-5 machine guns in the back seat of the Suburban, and also have
the paperwork for delivery to the Denver narcotics division in the boxes.I
also carried other toys, and the cop called all his buddies to look at
everything. They even wanted me to go to their range to try out some "rock
and roll" with my MP-5's and their ammo! an hour later everyone left, and I
drove on. No one ever said one thing about the speeding stop, and I guess I
just forgot to bring it up myself.

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