At 08:47 AM 11/14/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>This is bordering on off topic - but I'm having a cold weather starting
>problem with another LBC that uses a dual Zenith-Stromberg setup with the
>FASD - I think that means "fast action starting device" aka the auto choke.
>It looks to me like these ZS carbs are not good cold weather starters.
>These were just rebuilt carbs, car tuned, outside temperature still a warm
>12 degrees F (car starts fine in the garage).
>Am I correct in my assumption that SU carbs are better for cold weather
>starting than Zenith-Strombergs? Comments from those who have made the
>conversion? I have a pair of HS carbs lined up for a conversion, just need
>to know if its worthwhile.
My vote: the SU's I replaced my Z-S have given me no trouble.
What means cold? My temp went from 70-42 F (this is NJ, not the barren cold
and it starts just as well. (Haven't had 12F yet to try.)
I agree with others that the manual choke helps. My B starts
promptly and always
since I made the far.
76B with HIF's
Dr. Bill Saidel
Assoc. Prof. Vocal phone (856) 225-6336
Department of Biology FAX (856) 225-6312
Science Building email:
315 Penn St.
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Camden, NJ 08102 -1411
"Sacred cows make for divine hamburgers."