Is it possible and practical to put the 3.909:1 MGB rear axle into a MGA?
The only 'official' ratios listed for the A are the standard 4.30:1 and an
optional 4.555. It's my theory that a motor will rev a certain
predetermined number of times as determined by an unknown force and
therefore it is to my benefit to get the greatest number of miles out of
those revs. My car already has a B motor so the power is there for the
longer gear. The manuals list the rear tracks as:
A- 48 3/4" (disk wheel)
B- 49 1/4" (any wheel)
My question is are the brake drums .25" wider on the B so that mounting my
original brakes will bring the track back to correct. Also drive shaft
lengths are different, which is not unexpected. Is this a project worth
taking on or should I just forget about it?
Comments please
Bill King
59 A