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Re: ignition problem

To: Bullwinkle <>
Subject: Re: ignition problem
From: Charley & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 18:52:56 -0600
Hay Bullfeathers, ;^)

  If the back EMF off the coil gets ya, ya'll kknow it!

  Shockingly yers,


Bullwinkle wrote:
> Bill:
> Although this is probably not your problem, there is no  need to use a
> screwdriver to open the points.  Using the screwdriver may just ground out the
> points, and consequently you'll get no spark. You can open the points with a
> finger nail as the voltage at the points is only twelve volts and it won't 
> you."
> Going on to the problem:
> Did you determine that the coil is getting power? Turn the key on and check 
> a VOM meter to see if there is 12 volts between the positive terminal of the
> coil and ground. If you don't have a VOM meter, use a 12V test lamp. Just
> disconnet the wire at the positive terminal of the coil, grasp the terminal
> agains the bulbs copper case and touch the center base terminal of the bulb 
>to a
> clean ground with the ignition switch on.  If it lights, you've got power to 
> coil, then problem is in the coil, distributor, or points. You can also test
> after the coil, and at the points, althought the bulb may be a bit dim because
> of the coil consuming power.
> If there is no power, prepare a jumper wire with small aligator clips on each
> end and wire directly from the battery and the positive terminal of the coil.
> Flick the points again to check for spark. On my MGA, you can quite often see
> and hear the points spark when you open them with the finger. If you now have
> power at the points, then there are problems with the ignition switch, or the
> wiring to/from the ignition switch.
> The latest wiring diagram for a MGB I have is 1972.  Does this car have a
> ballast resitor in the ignition start circuit?
> Blake

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