On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 MGTD1952@cs.com wrote:
> Speedvision has a couple of installments of Legends of Motorsports coming up
> that should be of interest to T-typers or those interested in MG's early
> speedrecords.
> On Thursday, 11/2, they are showing Safety Fast, which is a factory
> promotional piece showing the building of a 1952 TD (great shots of Abingdon)
> and Champions All, which, if I remember correctly, is an Alpine Rally piece
> featuring MG's (TD's TC's, etc)
> On Friday, 11/3, they are showing MG Does It Again, which is one of the
> Bonneville Salt Flat record breaking runs (don't remember which, though).
> Both air at 6pm eastern.
Hey guys, with this much advanced warning...we could collectively set our
VCR's to capture one or the other or both.
and if necessary, send copies around...
Bill Saidel