I would like to take this opportunity to announce another addition to my
web site tech section. The question about calibrating the MGA fuel gauge
went around enough times that I finally got motivated into some research
and tinkering to determine the easiest way to do it. The end result is a
complete explanation of how the little beast works, complete with pictures
and an easy way to set an errant guel gauge on the correct path. For those
with the need to know (or lots of time to browse and nothing better to do),
check here:
There are two new courses, FG-101 and FG-102, one on construction and
function of the fuel gauge, and one on calibration. Just keep turning
pages until you run out of arrows. It's 10 pages long, but also large
print and lots of pictures. Gawd, I love my digital camera! Did you know
that wires only 0.004 inch in diameter can be clearly vivible on a web page?
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude