FWIW, I've seen these at my local FLAPs for $40 recently.
Unfortunately, that was long after I paid Moss $75 for mine several
years ago. I wouldn't pull an MGB engine without it. I have actually
pulled and installed an engine/transmission combo solo with this unit.
Moss gets the extra $35 for telling me about it first!
Reminds me of a funny story about what can happen when you are in a
hurry. Just a few weeks ago my son and I pulled the engine/transmission
out of the '67 parts car. We got the thing half way out at about a 45
degree angle, and it just wouldn't come any further. Upon inspection, I
found I had neglected to remove the shift lever! The inside of the car
was so moldy, musty and full of trash I didn't even consider getting
into it, hence forgot about the lever. I ended up cutting it off with a
Sawzall to finish the job!