Bud: I have many rebuilds and can provide some help. Just ask away or let me
when you are ready and I could pop up! Rather have Lawrie however!
Bud Krueger wrote:
> Hi folks,
> The decision has been made. I'm going to put new pistons in the 77B
> commuting machine. It shows 89,500 on the odometer and wants to smoke when
> fully warmed up and the throttle is feathered. I have both the Haynes and
> Bentley manuals, but I'm not impressed with either as a guide to engine r/r.
> Anybody have any suggestions as to a good source. The sight of the steering
> column going virtually through the left motor mount rattles my cage.
> I'll be boring the engine to the minimum necessary to assure four
> cylindrical cylinders that are the same diameter and installing the
> appropriately sized new pistons, rings and pins. That's a given. I'll also
> install new rod and main bearings. The engine has great oil pressure, BTW.
> would seem foolish to pass up the opportunity to replace the clutch disk and
> throwout bearing, so I'll replace them. Any other components that fit the
> category of ' you'd be a fool not to replace it while it's on the bench'?
> --
> Bud Krueger
> http://home.ici.net/~bkrueger/
> 52TD
> 77MGB